When choosing the best laser medical spa, research each facility being considered. The first and most important step when choosing a laser medical spa is to verify that the physician affiliated with the spa actually works there on a daily basis. A patient should ask for the medical director's name and research his background.
Not all laser medical spas are operated by licensed physicians. A patient should ask if the facility is physician-owned and managed. In some instances a doctor will allow a laser medical spa to claim that he is affiliated with the spa when, in reality, the doctor is not on the premises and has no knowledge of the day-to-day procedures and safety measures the med spa is using. These types of medical spas should be avoided, but they are a small segment of the laser medical spa community.
Another consideration for patients is choosing between the various types of laser that medical spas use. Some clinics use older lasers that are not as effective as many of the cutting edge devices in use currently. Outdated lasers usually require the patient to attend more laser treatments sessions, which can be painful and costly. When looking for the right laser medical spa, a patient should be sure to inquire how much experience the laser technician possesses and whether he has accreditation or certification — this varies by jurisdiction — in the make and model of the laser actually in use.
Different types of lasers are necessary for different types of skin. Color pigmentation, thickness and density of hair follicles all factor into what type of laser should be used for the removal of hair, tattoos or blemishes. A patient should ask the representative of the spa what evaluation procedure is undertaken prior to treatment. For example, laser treatment on gray or blond hair is not particularly effective, so a patient should be wary of any laser technician that insists this type of hair removal can be performed easily. Diode and alexandrite lasers work well on light skin, while long pulsed Nd:YAG lasers are better for darker complexions.
Often, the best laser medical spas will offer prospective clients a free evaluation and consultation. Patients may want to steer clear of spas that charge full rates for an evaluation session. Also, a patient should not use price as the means of selection, as the less expensive spas tend to hire less experienced technicians and often fail to ensure that a physician is present for procedures.