When you choose a laser hair removal school, consider the school's accreditation, the certification that they offer, and the quality of instruction. Additional considerations include the kind of equipment used, the duration of study, and the costs involved. Some schools also offer assistance in finding employment after graduation.
Check to see whether the laser hair removal school is recognized by a governing body such as National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (NACCAS). Also, find out what kind of certification you will receive upon finishing the program. In the US, laser hair removal is considered a medical procedure, so there may be individual state certification requirements.
Quality instruction is important in any field of study, and laser hair removal is no exception. Look for a schools that employs experienced and well-respected instructors. The instruction offered should include hands-on sessions in addition to theory, as this is a very practical field.
When looking for a laser hair removal school, make sure that the school teaches all the latest techniques and that it uses high-quality equipment. If you want to work in this industry, you will need to be up-to-date with the latest technology and techniques. Schools that teach outdated techniques or use old or sub-standard equipment should not be considered.
The duration of study tends to differ from one laser hair removal school to the next. Certain programs offer faster graduation times, so consider how much time you are willing to devote, before committing yourself to a specific program. The length of study could also affect the costs involved.
You should consider the course costs as well as any additional expenses before signing up. Instruction in this field is considered somewhat expensive, but you tend to receive the instruction you pay for. Additional expenses could include traveling costs, additional text books, kits, and uniforms.
A well trained technician should have no problem in finding work. A number of schools, however, do offer placement programs to assist its students once they finish their studies. If finding employment is a concern, you should choose a school that offers this kind of assistance.
Also consider the level of information and support offered and how easy it is to get access to the information you need. Some schools have web sites with all relevant contact information, and even offer you the option of requesting information online. This can save you time since you won't have to print forms and use regular mail.