Choosing an integrative medicine university should depend on your background, area of interest and recommendations from others who have attended each university. Making sure the integrative medicine university offers other courses beyond medicine and pharmaceuticals is a good way to tell if a school offers enough holistic approaches to health care. Finding out if the university has student organizations or clubs on campus that offer further education and development in the integrative medical field is very helpful. Contacting the university directly and talking to an adviser or even visiting the campus will help in determining which school fits your mode of thinking.
Integrative medical schools teach a holistic approach — integrating traditional and alternative healing methods — to treating individuals. Choosing an integrative medical university can be challenging, as most offer very different ideas and subjects relating to healing. Reading reviews as well as getting recommendations from others can be helpful. Finding a school that is highly recommended by past graduates can strongly influence your decision on which integrative medicine university is best.
Looking at the curriculum offered at an integrative medicine university can also be helpful in providing insight into the types of healing modalities the university believes in. If many of the subject areas are related to your areas of interest, then this should help you make a good choice. Seeing if the university offers many different courses beyond traditional medicine is best, as attending an integrative medicine university is supposed to be teaching you how to incorporate healing and holistic approaches into your medical practice. These classes can include meditation or exercise, as well as holistic nutrition and herbal therapies.
Visiting a university can also help you get the feel of a particular campus, because when each university offers similar possibilities, look and feel can be the determining factor. Calling an adviser on campus to get information about nearby community events can also give you possible community involvement ideas. Checking to see if the university has clubs or organizations associated with your area of interest, whether it be health-related or not, can help you make a decision. Sensible conclusions should also include location and tuition costs for each university.