Insurance courses are important, no matter which stage you are at in your insurance career. If you are just starting out in this field, you will likely need several classes to prepare you for the licensing exam, while continuing education courses are encouraged even if you have been an agent for years. Before you choose the best insurance courses for your situation, find some that are meant for your specialty, such as auto, health or life insurance. You also should confirm the requirements in your area, such as the number of classes you have to take and where you are allowed to take them.
One of the first decisions to make is whether you will sell policies related to health, automobiles or life insurance. In many cases, insurance courses combine the principles of both health and life insurance, so you may take the same class no matter which type of insurance you intend to sell. On the other hand, the elements of property and casualty insurance are often taught in different classes. You likely will benefit from taking this type of course if you plan to specialize in selling policies for cars, homes or businesses. If you are not sure which type of coverage you will sell, you may want to take both types of insurance courses to help you decide and to better prepare you for future job possibilities.
You may want to check the requirements in your area, because you likely will have to complete a particular number of hours of coursework before you can start practicing in this field. In most cases, you will have to get a license, requiring you to pass a test for which a licensing class can prepare you. You also will probably be required to get continuing education throughout your insurance career, so you are advised to look for classes that can teach you new skills no matter how long you have been an agent. Even if you are not in the insurance industry at all but just want to learn the basics of this subject, you may benefit from a few classes in this field. In this case, you can likely choose any courses that interest you, provided they do not require you to have prior insurance training.
After you are aware of the types of classes you need to take for your insurance career, the next step is to find out which formats are accepted. Some areas allow you to perform self-study, in which you read books or websites to update your skills. You also might be able to take an online course for insurance training. You may, however, have to choose from a list of approved sources of education, because you might need to attend a particular college for your insurance courses. You are advised to find out these facts before scheduling and paying for insurance classes.