There are several methods available for reducing the appearance of hypertrophic scars, such as first aid, over-the-counter treatments, and dermatology treatments. Each type of hypertrophic scar treatment is designed to reduce or eliminate the appearance of red, raised tissue caused by various types of trauma to the skin. Acne, cuts, and burns are possible contributing factors to the occurrence of hyertrophic scars. Hypertrophic scarring is the direct result of some kind of injury or condition. Many experts believe that hypertrophic scars typically respond better to scar treatments than other types of scarring.
The first option for hypertrophic scar treatment is first aid administered as quickly as possible following any kind of trauma to the skin. Most medical experts recommend immediately cleaning the lesion or wound with soap and water and applying an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment, if the injury is minor. It is also suggested to cover the area with a bandage to protect the skin during the healing process. Burns and more severe cuts and scrapes should be treated by a trained medical professional to limit skin damage and scarring. In these cases, the doctor or nurse will clean, treat, and cover the injured area as well as provide additional information on further care to the patient while in the office or emergency room.
In addition to antibiotic ointments, there are several other over-the-counter hypertrophic scar treatment options available, such as special lotions and creams as well as products designed to lighten the scar. Most of these products contain synthetic collagen intended to plump up the surrounding skin and provide needed nutrients to the damaged skin. Hydrogen peroxide is often a key ingredient in reducing the red coloration of the scar in lightening products. Especially when used soon after the appearance of the scar, these treatments are considered to be fairly effective.
When first aid and over-the-counter scar therapy is ineffective or the injury is too severe, it is recommended the affected person seek the advice of a qualified dermatologist. These professionals have several hypertrophic scar treatment options, including prescription strength medications and creams, as well as surgery options if necessary. The most effective hypertrophic scar treatment will depend on the age, severity, and type of scar to be treated. In most cases, after the consultation visit the dermatologist and patient will decide on the treatment plan and begin to implement it as soon as possible for the best results.