HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and refers to the system of furnaces, refrigerants and ductwork in homes and buildings used for heating and cooling rooms. Hot or cold air is generally forced through vents in every room and controlled by a central thermostat to keep the air in the building at a set temperature. The professionals who install such systems are highly skilled and trained individuals, generally having gone through a specified training program and licensing.
Those individuals who are interested in obtaining licensing in HVAC installation should search for the best HVAC program in their area. Finding the right school is important because the skills learned in the classroom will affect the quality of work completed in the field, as well as which jobs are available to graduates. In the case of an HVAC program, it is important to find a school that offers real world training with professors who have experience in the field.
The Yellow Pages or other directory should have listings of local schools. If there are any schools that specialize in this field, they may be listed under “HVAC”. Otherwise, schools that offer courses in this will likely be listed amongst all other universities and colleges. Technical and community colleges are often the best places to start, but career centers may also offer the appropriate courses.
Potential students should make a list of schools that may be good candidates. Then, each school should be called or emailed to find out if it offers an HVAC program. This should narrow down the list to only a few schools. Of the ones that remain, further research is required to find the best HVAC program for each student. Speak with a student advisor from each college or school about the HVAC program it offers. This person should be knowledgeable about all courses offered by the school, as well as the potential job market in the area.
Important things to find out are total program costs, the length of the program, and class schedules. This ensures that all scheduling conflicts can be worked out ahead of time. For instance, those with children or full-time employment may need night or weekend classes. If the school does not meet these needs, then it can be removed from the list.
To ensure that the HVAC program is the best one, it is a good idea to speak with the professors or instructors who teach the coursework. Ask questions about their experience in the field, and what a student can expect from the HVAC program in general. Also, get information about the success rate of job applicants after graduation from the course and compare this number to other schools in the same area. Former students and employers are also good resources to get inside information on who is hiring, which students are being hired, and what one program has to offer over another.