Your spa's hot tub pump is likely to wear out after time — usually between two and five years — and it will need to be replaced. When choosing the best hot tub pump for your spa, there are several factors to consider. If you wish to upgrade the pump to something more powerful, remember that installing a pump that is too powerful can actually do damage to your hot tub. A pump that is more powerful but not too powerful can enhance the hot tubbing experience. The first step in choosing the best hot tub pump is locating the current pump and reading carefully to find out the correct voltage, size, and type of pump.
After removing the panel that conceals the current hot tub pump, read the label to determine what voltage level your pump operates at. All spas that are wired at 120 volts use a 120 volt pump, but not all tubs wired at 240 volts will use a 240 volt pump. Be sure to note the voltage of your current pump and replace it in kind. The label on the pump should also indicate the horsepower of the current pump. This will determine the force with which the pump can propel water in the tub. You may choose to replace your current hot tub pump with a more powerful one, which is fine. Remember, however, that increasing the horsepower too much can damage the hot tub. Do not upgrade your pump beyond one to two horsepower. A 1 horsepower pump, for example, should not be replaced with a 4 or 5 horsepower pump.
Be sure to choose a replacement hot tub pump that will fit with the design of your tub. A pump is generally comprised of two parts: the wet end, and the dry end. The wet end is the part of the pump through which water will pass, while the dry end is the end in which a mechanism will turn to pump the water. The design of the wet end varies: some wet ends are known as center discharge, which means the water is propelled through an opening at the center of the unit. A side discharge wet end propels the water through an opening at the side of the unit. A side discharge unit is more efficient, so when upgrading, choose a side discharge if your hot tub will accept it. If your pump is center discharge, be sure your tub can accept a side discharge before upgrading to one.