When you are trying to decide on a particular homeland security course, think about the credentials of the instructors. Check the school catalog to see what subjects are offered. Think about whether or not the facility is accredited, and find out when classes are held. You may also want to ask about the availability of scholarships and whether or not you may qualify for financial aid.
Ideally, the instructors should have experience in law enforcement or the military. In the U.S., this could be as a member of the federal Border Patrol or FBI, for example. Such a teacher could also have experience working on an anti-terrorism task force. Retired homeland security officers could also bring a wealth of knowledge into the classroom.
Try to determine the type of courses you might need to take in order to earn a certificate or degree. You should be required to take classes dealing with transportation security, disaster preparedness, and information management. Basic first aid and emergency services are also subjects that could be helpful in your future career.
Ask whether or not the homeland security course you are considering is accredited. This means it is recognized by an organization that oversees institutions of higher learning. This could go a long way toward being able to secure employment in your chosen field of study.
Determine whether or not you might want to take a homeland security course during the day, at night, or online. Look at a schedule from a school you are considering, to see if the classes are offered at a time that is convenient for you. Try to find out the length of each course, since this can range anywhere from 9 to 26 weeks.
Attending school can be an expensive endeavor for many people. You might want to find out what scholarships you are eligible to apply for in order to assist you with this undertaking. Speak to a representative in the facility's financial aid department, who should be able to advise you whether or not you might be eligible for government grants to help you pay for your training.
Although the number of jobs is expected to grow in this sector, competition for them may nonetheless be fierce. A homeland security course can be the first step toward obtaining employment in this industry. Therefore, choosing the right program of study can be the first step toward ensuring a secure career for yourself.