Stomach ulcers, also referred to as peptic ulcers, can be painful and difficult to treat for some people. Home remedies have become quite popular and are believed by many sufferers to be more successful in treating ulcers than more traditional medications. As stomach ulcers are a condition that primarily affects the digestive system, home remedies primarily center on dietary and herbal treatments. Some of the most popular include aloe vera juice, cayenne pepper, and milk and bananas. A trained herbalist can help the patient find additional treatment methods based on individual needs.
Aloe vera juice is among the more popular home remedies for ulcers. This product can be found at many health food stores and is believed to contain antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Aloe vera juice may also work as an anti-inflammatory agent. This product may be taken as soon as the symptoms of an ulcer appear in order to prevent complications and ease pain, although some people prefer to drink it daily as a means of preventing ulcers.
Cayenne pepper is perhaps one of the least likely yet effective home remedies for ulcers. This type of spicy, hot pepper works as an anesthetic, numbing much of the pain associated with stomach ulcers. Cayenne pepper may also help to repair damage to the stomach lining caused by the ulcer. This product can be added to the diet quite easily, although some people may not be able to tolerate how hot cayenne pepper can be.
Various types of milk products may be used as home remedies for ulcers. Some people report that drinking cow's milk brings almost immediate relief from the pain and burning caused by the presence of a stomach ulcer. Others experience greater benefits by drinking goat milk. People who have dairy allergies or sensitivities may be pleasantly surprised to find that almond milk has quite a high success rate in easing the symptoms of stomach ulcers as well.
Bananas are among the most effective home remedies for ulcers. Bananas have a natural antacid effect and can often provide quick relief from ulcer pain. When combined with milk, bananas help to reduce stomach acid, often preventing the formation of ulcers. This fruit is thought to work by helping to eliminate bacteria from the stomach as well as stimulating the cells of the stomach to produce a thicker mucus barrier against harmful bacteria.