There are many issues to take into consideration when you are trying to choose the best historically black medical school. Among the most important considerations are the reputation of the institution you are considering and its academic focus. You may also factor in the competitive philosophy of the school you are considering and how well that fits with your personality. Additionally, your expectations for the campus and student life may help you narrow your choices.
One of the most important factors in choosing the right historically black medical school is its reputation. Regardless of the racial background of the school, you will typically want the best education you can obtain. As such, you will likely benefit from comparing schools based on reputation and the success their graduates achieve after medical school, including whether they get accepted into top residency programs. If you rank the institutions in terms of reputation, those that make the top of your list are likely to be the best choices for your education.
The main focus of a medical school may also factor into your decision when you are trying to choose a historically black medical school. For example, you might prefer a school with a focus on research rather than one known for specialty medicine, or vice versa. Choosing a medical school that is in tune with your interests and personal goals may translate into a more satisfying experience overall.
You can also consider the competitive philosophy of a program when you are trying to choose the best historically black medical school. For example, you may find that some schools are heavily focused on competition among students and achieving the highest grades while others focus on other goals. In fact, you may even find some medical schools that do not issue grades at all. The best historically black medical school will likely be the one that best fits your personality. If you thrive on competition, you may do well at a highly competitive school. If a good deal of competition makes you too stressed to learn and excel, however, you'll likely prefer a less competitive school.
The campus environment and student life are also important considerations when you want to choose the best historically black medical school. Since you will typically have to spend about four years studying, you will likely want to make sure that you will be comfortable and reasonably happy in your environment. As such, you may do well to visit the schools you are considering and meet with some of the current students to get a better idea of what you can expect. You can also look for reviews of the campus life online.