Gastritis results in inflammation and irritation of the stomach lining due to damage from excessive gastric acid. There are a variety of medications that you can take to relieve gastritis. These medications, however, can cause unwanted side effects, so many people instead try to treat gastritis with herbal remedies. Herbal treatment for gastritis focuses on alleviating the symptoms and reducing and protecting against irritation and inflammation. Common choices include chamomile, ginger, and licorice, as well as a variety of other readily available herbs.
Symptoms of this condition include bloating, nausea, and indigestion. Gastritis is caused by a number of irritants including bacteria, medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), and stress. Alcohol and diet are also often implicated, and you should alter these factors in conjunction with taking herbal remedies in order to improve their effectiveness and to help reduce the occurrence of gastritis. The majority of herbal remedies for gastritis are in tea form, although tablets, powders, and syrups are also available. Whatever herbal treatment you choose, you should check with your doctor first.
Chamomile is a popular choice as an herbal treatment for gastritis. Using the flowers of the plant, chamomile works as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. It helps to repair the mucus membranes that have been damaged by the excess of acid and helps to prevent further irritation. This herb is also useful in alleviating associated symptoms, including pain and indigestion, and may also reduce gas in the intestine, relieving bloating.
Another common herbal remedy for gastritis is ginger. Taken as a tablet or tea, ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent, and antibiotic. Working to both soothe and heal the inflamed tissue of the stomach and intestine, it may help to reduce gas. If you are very nauseous with your gastritis, then ginger can be a good choice as it is often used in natural antinauseant medications. Ginger can also aid in the digestion of fat, helping the digestive system function more efficiently.
An often-chosen herbal treatment for gastritis caused by taking NSAIDS is licorice. It helps to reduce any irritation caused to the mucosal lining and can help to protect against further damage. If you do choose to take licorice to help with your symptoms, however, choose a deglycyrrhizinated (DHL) version as, otherwise, it may interact with other medications you are taking. Licorice treatments are available in chewable form.
There are a number of other options that you can choose for herbal treatment for gastritis. Cranberry extract is a common choice if your gastritis is caused by bacteria as it may inhibit the growth of bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori. Peppermint can be useful at relieving symptoms including indigestion and nausea. Marshmallow root and slippery elm act as mucilage formers, helping to coat and protect the mucosal lining. Finally, cinnamon may relieve the symptoms of gastritis and also work as an antimicrobial, making it useful against bacteria such as E. coli.