If you want to become a hair stylist, choosing the right hair stylist school is one of the most important decisions you will make. Unlike some other educational programs, becoming a hair stylist requires hands-on training. As a result, it is absolutely crucial that you select a program that meets your specific needs.
To select the best hair stylist school for you, you will first need to check licensing requirements in your area, since most places require hair stylists to have a valid license in order to practice. Once you know these requirements, you can determine whether you would like to focus on one particular area, such as coloring, cutting, or perming. If you do not want to concentrate on one particular skill, you can also choose a multi-disciplinary program that covers all of them.
After you have decided on a program, you can start evaluating the hair stylist schools in your area. If you are unable to find a hair stylist school in your area, you may want to consider traveling to another location. Remember, you cannot attend hair stylist school online and you must meet specific attendance requirements to successfully complete the program, so relocation may be necessary. Although these requirements often vary based on the area in which you live, you can expect to complete about 2,000 hours, or approximately 15 months, of work before you receive your hair stylist license.
Now that you have narrowed down the list of hair stylist schools, you can start evaluating them. First, consider the cost of each program. As with most educational programs, the cost to attend a private hair stylist school will be more than a public program.
In addition to cost, you should also make sure the programs you are considering meet the licensing requirements in your area, and are properly accredited. Otherwise, you may be unable to work as a hair stylist once you have completed training. If the school meets these guidelines, you should then verify that you meet the eligibility requirements. Typically, you must be at least 16 years of age and have a GED in order to enroll in a hair stylist school.
The final — and most important — consideration you will need to make involves the reputation of the school. Unlike academic programs, the success of a hair stylist is largely based on the school’s professional relationships with salons and other stylists in the area. Therefore, make sure the hair stylist school you select is connected with salons or spas in the area. Ask about the school’s job placement rate, and find out if they offer any career placement services.