Choosing the best geology distance learning program does not have to be difficult, but it will take some patience and a careful eye for detail. Begin by researching different geology programs that offer the degrees or certificates that you want to earn. Be sure to note their admissions requirements as well as the costs associated with attending those institutions. Remember that you may have to secure financial aid to enroll in geology distance learning programs, since they can be just as expensive as geology programs at on-site colleges and universities. Eliminate from consideration any programs that are offered by non-accredited institutions, as attending such an institution may cause problems throughout your geology distance learning experience.
Geology distance learning courses will very likely require you to participate in lab work and on-site studies, so be sure to check the requirements for each program before applying. Distance learning programs may make accommodations to make participating in labs easier, but others may require that you travel to a specific site because no geology distance learning option is available for that part of the degree program. How much traveling you will need to do may affect your choice of program, so research carefully and decide what will work best for you.
Avoid attending a non-accredited institution. Such institutions have not gone through the accreditation process, which essentially certifies the program as a high quality education that will be respected and recognized by employers once your degree program is finished. Attending a non-accredited school can also make you ineligible for certain types of financial aid, and you may find it harder to transfer earned credits to other institutions should you choose to change schools. Make sure the accredited institutions you are considering are accredited from well known and respected accrediting agencies; these agencies will vary by region, so find out what the appropriate accrediting agency is and make sure the program you are considering has been reviewed by it.
It is a good idea to research the instructors who will be teaching the geology distance learning courses. Take a look at their credentials, including experience in the field as well as teaching experience. Find professors who you will be excited to work with; this will make your educational experience more worthwhile and help you establish valuable contacts in the field. Research, too, to find out how classes are taught. Distance learning options have expanded over the course of decades, and changes in technology have made instruction easier and more thorough. Be sure the program you choose takes advantage of current technologies and communication techniques.