Before choosing a flight training center, there are many different things to consider. Ultimately, the flight training center that you do choose will determine your career as a pilot. In short, think strategically, choose carefully, and remember to look for the following things: admissions requirements, faculty experience, type of training provided, and equipment used. All of these things will greatly impact the training that you receive.
All prospective flight training center students must meet basic requirements before applying to any program. A high school diploma is necessary, and some training centers require all students to pass a physical fitness test. In addition, it is not uncommon for a flight center to administer drug and alcohol tests prior to admitting students. All of these things must be accounted for prior to filling out an application or selecting a school.
Before taking a closer look at any flight training center, try and figure out what kind of student you are. If you prefer to remain anonymous in a sea of other students, then you may want to look at larger facilities. If you desire one-on-one time with your professors, then only smaller flight centers will do the trick. Chances are that you already know what kind of student you happen to be, so this should be the simplest part of choosing a flight school.
Out of all the schools that you may be considering, take the time to find out what kind of equipment is used at each school. Flight equipment should be up-to-date, well-maintained, and varied. Students should be able to practice on all kinds of models including regular and half-sized planes. Simulation programs are also an important detail that no flight school should be without.
Commercial airlines, local airlines, and some military outfits all provide flight training center courses to qualified applicants. To find a training center near you, conduct an Internet search, or contact your local airport. Most training centers also have websites that provide a wealth of information. Take a few moments to look over the facts and figures listed on a site, attempt to procure a basic curriculum, and find out if any kind of student forum exists.
Frequently, speaking with former and current students is a great way to learn about a flight training center. In fact, the more that you can learn, the better equipped you will be to select the program that works for you. Keep in mind that all training programs are unique, which may mean that you'll have to do a bit of research before you find a program that fits all the criteria you have in mind.