Choosing the right film graduate school can be a somewhat daunting process, but you can consider a few things to make the experience a bit easier. You should begin by considering what you want to specialize in, and then looking for schools that offer that type of specialization. It can also be helpful to look for schools that have an established history, with a prestigious list of alumni or awards. While this may not ensure you find the perfect school, it can at least help you narrow the list. You may also want to be sure that a film graduate school is the right next step for you to take, since it is a big commitment of both time and money.
Your graduate studies are an opportunity for you to learn about and explore a specific field of interest, and you should be sure to choose a film graduate school that will offer the right program for you. Since you will likely have completed an undergraduate program in film prior to looking for a graduate program, you should have a general sense of different aspects of the film industry. A graduate program is your chance to learn more about what you are really interested in. Different schools will offer different programs and you should look for a film graduate school that can offer you an emphasis in what you are interested in, such as animation, writing for film and television, producing, and film and television production.
You may want to consider looking at other professionals in the film and television industries and seeing what type of film graduate school they attended. This can give you a sense of how you might best be able to move forward. You should also look at the awards that any school you consider has received, and how the alumni have done after completing their schooling.
If you are looking to get into the academic side of the film industry, then a graduate program is probably the right place for you. As someone looking to direct, produce, edit, or otherwise work on films directly, however, you may not need to continue with graduate schooling. You should at least consider whether moving forward into a film graduate school really is the best career track for you. Unlike some professionals in the medical or legal industry, you do not necessarily need a specific level of education to work in film. While a graduate degree may be helpful for you, you should at least try to ensure that the career you are going for will really benefit from the extra two or more years of graduate work.