Fashion photography courses will give you some of the skills necessary to be a successful fashion photographer who shoots photos of models for magazines, websites, and other publications. Choosing the best fashion photography courses starts with determining your overall photography goals and deciding on a budget for enrolling in such classes. Community colleges often offer such courses, as do dedicated photography schools, and in some cases independent photographers may offer instructional opportunities to would-be fashion photographers. Make sure you have basic photography skills before enrolling, as fashion photography is a more advanced concept that will require you have a thorough understanding of basic lighting techniques.
The cost of fashion photography courses will vary significantly according to where they are being offered and who is teaching them. Expect to pay more for a class that is being taught by a well-known fashion photographer with years of experience. Remember, however, that you may not need to spend a lot of money on fashion photography courses if you want to learn simply for your own edification or for smaller, lower profile jobs locally or regionally. Investigate opportunities at any local colleges or universities, and inquire at local photography studios to find useful courses at competitive rates.
If you intend to try for high-profile jobs or to make your living off fashion shoots, you may want to consider fashion photography courses from a dedicated photography or arts school. These schools usually require applications and enrollment fees, so you will need to examine tuition rates carefully. Be sure to do a bit of research to find a reputable school that will give you the skills you need; if possible, talk to other photographers in your area to find out their recommendations for schools that will teach you the skills at a reasonable rate. When you are looking into a potential program, be sure the school offers up-to-date equipment and studio space that you will have access to on a regular basis.
Approaching local photographers about fashion photography courses or instruction is a good idea, but be ready to be turned down frequently. Most photographers are busy enough that they will not be able to accommodate your needs, but some may have set class times or they may be able to offer you an apprenticeship. This means you will work with the photographer on assignments so you can learn the skills necessary to shoot any variety of photography assignments.