Choosing the best face lotion starts with a person first determining what type of skin he or she has. Each type, whether it be oily, normal, sensitive, dry, or a combination of various types, will require a different kind of lotion. Another consideration a person may need to think about is what he or she wants the face lotion to do. Some lotions keep the face safe from the harmful damage of the sun, while others help prevent or slow wrinkles. Skin can change with the seasons, so a person may have to have a couple of different lotions ready for those seasonal skin-type shifts.
Normal skin is ideal skin. People who have this skin will usually have fairly clean skin, free of pimples and blackheads, the majority of the time. Just about any kind of face lotion will work for people who have this skin type.
Those who have oily skin frequently deal with breakouts. With this skin type, a person's face may look great for a few hours after it has been washed but get progressively oilier after that. Washing the face a few times throughout the day can help keep a person's face from looking too oily. The best face lotion for this skin type is usually one that is oil-free and has water as a base.
People may have dry skin if they wash their face and immediately feel it become tight and dry. This kind of skin needs a lot of moisture to feel comfortable. Many people with dry skin also have to deal with premature wrinkles, so a face lotion that provides extra moisture and may help prevent wrinkles is often a good choice.
Sensitive skin can be difficult to treat because it is prone to allergic reactions to many products. For this reason, any product that is used on a face with sensitive skin needs to be hypoallergenic and indicate that it is gentle on skin. All new products should be tested on a small area of the skin to see if there is an allergic reaction prior to it becoming part of one's regular skincare routine.
Dealing with combination skin can be frustrating and take a lot of time and energy. Each dry and oily area of the face must be dealt with individually, instead of simply slathering moisturizer all over one's face. Moisturizing face lotion can be applied to dry areas, such as the cheeks, while toner can be applied to the oily areas, such as the forehead, chin and nose.