In the event management industry, word of mouth and client testimonials for a job well done are important, as these referrals can easily lead to other jobs. Whether you're looking for event management jobs for your own party planning business or are hoping to be hired full time or part time by a company, choose projects and work in which you'll not only do well, but environments in which you're likely to thrive. Some of the many different event management jobs include those for business functions, weddings, fashion shows and retail promotions.
If, in addition to your organizational and planning skills, you also have a flair for sales promotion, consider choosing event management jobs in which you can promote products and services. For example, department stores and retail store chains may hire a full-time or part-time event manager to organize marketing events such as in-store customer appreciation days. If you can execute your creative ideas and bring in customer traffic, this type of event managing work can be the best fit for your skills.
A strong interest you have in a certain subject can form a solid basis for selecting event management jobs. For instance, if fashion is your passion you can market yourself to manage events in that industry. You'll need to network and get your name and skills out there to get a job. Referrals and references from even a small event can then lead you to bigger and better jobs organizing fashion shows. Your fashion show event management skills could also be used to get other projects such as award shows.
Wedding event management jobs could be a good choice for you if you have or can gain experience in the industry. Specializing in wedding planning can be a full- or part-time small business. You could assist a wedding event manager to get the skills and experience you need before starting your own company. To become a successful wedding event manager, you'll have to be effective at organizing many small details up to a year or so in advance. Making industry contacts is important in order to get good prices and pass the savings on to your customers to stay competitive.
If business or the corporate climate is your forte, event management that could include meetings, grand openings, employee appreciation events, seminars and conventions would likely be the best project areas for you. Getting these types of event management jobs is often a matter of timing; get to know business people who hire professionals for events and you could find an opportunity to break into managing corporate functions. Pass out business cards and build a list of referrals and references.
When you're getting started in event management, marketing yourself as a professional with potential can earn you an entry-level position. If you have less than a year of experience, junior event management jobs are the best ones to seek out. Most of these junior positions are available at event management companies. This can be the best type of training if you hope to eventually run your own event management service.