When choosing the best essay topics, you should pick a subject that interests you. Writing about something in which you have little or no interest will make your job more difficult than writing about something that appeals to you. You should also choose a topic with which you have experience or knowledge. You need to determine your main objective for your essay, which will help narrow your choices. You might want to recount an amusing story, or perhaps you hope to share your viewpoint, or maybe you would like to promote awareness of a cause you believe in.
Think of your hobbies, your interests, or current events you are passionate about. Jot these down on notepaper. This will make it easier when narrowing down your selection. When you've chosen the main topic, write a short list of sub-topics.
Finding effective essay topics can be relatively easy if you focus on a precise point. If you write about pets, think of something particular to focus on, as the topic of pets can be extremely broad. You need to narrow it down by focusing on something relating to pets. Caring for an elderly cat is one example. Traveling with your dog might be another idea.
You'll also want to think of an interesting title that describes your essay. If your essay is not due for some time, use that time for inspiration. Carry a small journal or notepad with you, even during your free time. You might want to carry a voice recorder with you if this method is easier for you.
While watching television, if something catches your attention, jot it down. Something you've seen while driving or walking could spark interest as well. Inspiration is everywhere, so be prepared. A simple experience could spawn a thought-provoking essay.
When you have finally chosen your essay topics, thoroughly research your subjects. When doing your research, obtain your information from several sources. Don't only rely on the Internet, but browse through magazines and books as well. A good way to compile your information in an organized manner is to write notes.
The most compelling essay topics often pertain to something personal that many others can relate to. Recounting a childhood event that had a major influence in your life could produce an impressive essay. Your essay discussing people who've had significant influence in your life could be thought-provoking as well.