There are three items to consider when looking for the best EMT school: accreditation, equipment, and job placement opportunities. EMT or emergency medical technician school provides training to people who are looking to become ambulance attendants, paramedics, or firefighters. Upon completion, graduates can find employment opportunities in the emergency response sector.
Many community and career colleges include an EMT school. These programs are typically one to two years in length and usually have a work term or job placement course built into the program. Admission into an EMT school is based on a combination of high school marks, personal interview, and personality testing.
People who have the highest levels of success and satisfaction in an EMT course enjoy helping others and have a strong service ethic. People who are easily upset or very sensitive to other people’s feelings are not suitable for EMT school. It is important to remember that while there are many happy endings, EMTs are called into situations where people are ill and in need to assistance. The rewards from the job are internal, and not typically provided by the patient.
The first item to check when looking for an EMT school is to make sure that it is accredited. An accredited institution has been evaluated by an independent third party to ensure that its academic and administrative polices meet a minimum standard. Only courses completed at an accredited school can be transferred to other schools, or used toward a professional certification.
EMT school is a very intense training program, with a large amount of hands-on work required. Very specialized equipment is required to provide students with the opportunity to practice the skills they will need in the field. Schools that do not have the latest equipment are unable to provide candidates with the appropriate level of training necessary. All EMTs must be over-trained in the use of the different life-saving techniques and equipment, so that they can respond quickly in an emergency.
Job placement opportunities are critical. Field experience translates theoretic learning into a practical skill that can be applied to meet clients' needs. It also provides students with a chance to truly understand what the job entails on a daily basis and determine if this is the right career for them. EMT work is glorified on TV and many students have a false idea of what the job will be like. Job placement allows them to experience the actual daily work, without the glamour.