A good emollient lotion should increase the skin's hydration, making it softer, healthier, and more pliable. When buying lotion, read the ingredient label to see if it contains shea butter, lanolin, cocoa butter, mineral oil or other ingredients known for their moisturizing properties. Some can cause skin irritation or even mild allergic reactions, so when trying out a new emollient lotion, test it on a small patch of skin to see how your body will react to it. Different formulations are available for different skin types, so you'll want to choose one that addresses your skin needs; while an individual with oily skin will benefit from using moisturizing lotions, for example, using a lotion with the wrong emollients, or one not specifically made for oily skin, could make the skin even oilier.
Emollients, or moisturizers, are ingredients that lubricate and coat the skin, moisturizing and protecting it at the same time. An emollient lotion will soothe and repair dry skin and improve its tone and texture. While all emollients moisturize, some can be more beneficial to certain skin types than to others. For example, people with normal skin can help keep the skin balanced by using a light, water-based moisturizer every day.
Many people with oily skin don't realize that an emollient lotion can both help the skin become more balanced and create a barrier on the surface that will help protect it from harsh winds, pollutants, and sun exposure. Like those with normal skin, if you have oily skin you can benefit most from an emollient lotion that is light, non-greasy, and water-based. Look for a moisturizer that is noncomedogenic, meaning it won't clog the pores, a major cause of blackheads and other acne breakouts.
Dry skin needs an oil-based moisturizer that will hydrate and nourish the skin. Natural oils, like grape seed and jojoba, will help to restore moisture and protect the skin from damage. For skin so dry it is flaking or chapped, consider an emollient lotion or cream that contains a petrolatum-based product, like mineral oil, which will both lock in the skin's natural moisture and help keep water from evaporating away from the skin.
For those with sensitive skin, finding the right emollient lotion can be a challenge as some emollients can actually irritate sensitive skin. Choose lotions that contain ingredients like aloe and chamomile, which have healing properties. Avoid lotions that contain dyes, fragrances, acids, and other potential irritants.