Many degree or certificate programs fall under the general category of electronics, so it is important for you to first choose what kind of electronics education you want to pursue. Electronics distance learning programs will vary according to the specific area of study you choose, so be sure to consider all the different categories carefully and find one that suits you best. Once you have decided what specific field of electronics you want to pursue, begin researching electronics distance learning offerings that fit your goals: some programs will allow you to obtain a professional certificate, while others may allow you to work toward an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree, and even a master's degree.
Remember that different electronics distance learning programs will have different costs attached to them, so you may start by taking classes toward an associate's degree to cut costs, and then go back to school to obtain a bachelor's degree later on. This makes attendance at an accredited institution very important: accredited schools have gone through a process of proving they offer a high quality education that is respected and recognized by employers as well as other educational institutions. Attending an accredited school will help increase the likelihood that the credits you earn are transferable to other electronics distance learning programs later on should you choose to continue your education or change institutions. Attending a non-accredited school may also reduce your ability to secure certain types of financial aid, and it may reduce the likelihood of securing employment after the degree program is complete.
Be sure to research the different requirements for attendance in an electronics distance learning program. Some programs are more stringent than others and will require certain test scores, high school credentials, or experience in the field. Find a program that suits your background, or a program that you feel you may be able to work toward applying for. If you have narrowed your search down to a few electronics distance learning programs you feel comfortable applying for, be sure to research who the instructors are, what kind of support services are available to you during your education, and what kind of payment options are available.
The instructors teaching the courses should have sufficient experience in the field and should have the credentials for both electronics and for teaching. Choose the program that has the most qualified instructors, but pay close attention to the cost of each program. If you cannot afford the program, be sure you can secure financial aid. Find out what types of services will be available to you; tutoring services, job placement and career counseling, and academic advisement are common services to look for.