You should consider the following when choosing between electrolysis schools: The school should be licensed and accredited and employ licensed, reputable trainers. The program length is another important consideration, as is its content. The equipment used, and techniques taught by the school should be up to date as well.
When you need to choose between a number of electrolysis schools, you should exclude all unlicensed schools. Working in this industry means having the best training possible, and receiving certification from a reputable electrolysis school should be your first step. Not all schools are accredited, but accreditation is generally a sign of quality training, as accredited schools must train you according to specific standards. If you are US based, you could check with the US Department of Education for a list of accrediting bodies.
The trainers employed by the electrolysis schools you're considering should also be licensed and reputable. Trainers who have been in the field for a long time often build up a strong reputation, and this makes it easier to judge which trainers are truly experts in this field. It may also be helpful to speak to other students or a qualified electrologist to get feedback on the trainers at certain schools.
Look for a school that offers training that will prepare you for your licensing exam. Electrolysis training can be completed in as little as 30 hours, but some schools have programs that include up to 1,100 hours of study and training. It's best to check on the licensing requirements in your area, as different licensing boards may require a different number of study hours. The American Electrology Association, for example, requires a minimum of 600 study hours if you want to qualify for its licensing exam.
Most electrolysis schools offer courses that include both biological and scientific subjects in addition to practical modules to help train students. Some schools may also include subjects that cover office administration and business practices. This is especially helpful if you plan to open your own business eventually.
Technological advances in the field mean that coursework needs to be updated. The electrolysis schools you consider should not only be up to date on the newest technology and techniques but should have modern and safe equipment for you to use during your training. You should look for a school that has training labs with all the equipment needed to train you to industry standards.
If you have limited time available or you would struggle to attend full-time classes, part-time study could be a suitable alternative. Some electrolysis schools offer online courses that cover the theory modules, and these modules can be completed from home. If you choose this option, you will have to attend some classes to complete the practical modules.