An electrician is someone who installs, repairs and maintains electrical systems in a variety of settings. Since there are risks involved in the field because of the hazards associated with electricity, it is important that an electrician receives the proper training. Electrician school provides the person with the necessary skills and safety practices to become an electrician.
Choosing the best electrician school first involves identifying the unique skills of the individual. Many electricians begin as apprentices in electrical settings, which involves both classroom learning and on-the-job training. A high school degree and some basic electrician skills are needed for an apprenticeship. These skills include hand-eye coordination, balance, fitness and problem-solving skills. These skills will be further developed during both classroom instruction and practical learning.
If anelectrician chooses school instead of the apprenticeship, he or she should research the electrical programs at several electrician schools. Most of these programs last for four years and, like the apprenticeship, cover both theoretical and practical learning. During electrician school, the individual will put in around 2,000 hours of hands-on, electrical work. Since electrical careers involve working at great heights and in a variety of physical conditions, the electrician must be in good shape. Courses at electrician school will cover subjects such as math, physics, architecture and engineering, as electrical engineering is a field that many electrician students enter.
Numerous guides, directories, and rankings exist on the Internet for choosing the best electrician school. Additionally, blogs and forums can provide unique perspectives on certain schools from the viewpoint of students who have been through the program or know someone who has. Of course, the best way to choose an electrician school is by visiting the school’s website directly. Make a list of qualifications that are most important in an electrician program, and rule out the schools that do not meet the criteria. Then visit the schools that do, asking questions about every aspect of the program.
Before attending electrician school, a person must decide the types of electrician jobs that sound most appealing. If it is difficult to narrow it down, choose an electrician school with a wide variety of electrical instruction. It is likely that during the program, the individual will realize what specific area of electricity he or she is most drawn to. Upon completion of the electrician program, positions are available as either a full-time electrician or an electrical contractor.