When choosing an electrocardiograph (EKG) technician school, you will want to consider your career goals, finances, whether you want to take classes on campus or online and the accreditation and reputation of the institution. A program that is accredited and recognized in the medical community can help ensure you receive the best education possible. A school that offers hands-on experience will help prepare you for a career as an EKG technician.
An EKG is a medical device used to detect the heart's electrical activity. These devices often are used in detecting heart disease. An EKG technician school will help you learn how to set up and monitor this equipment while working under the supervision of a physician. When you choose your EKG technician school, make sure to pick one that allows you plenty of hands-on experience in working with the equipment.
Accreditation is important because it means the academic standards were verified by an outside group or agency. In the United States and other countries, it also means that the institution is eligible to receive and disperse state and financial aid from national programs. Being able to get financial aid and apply for government loans also will make it easier to pay for your training. Finally, an accredited program generally ensures that the coursework can be transferred to other degree programs.
First, you should decide whether you need a certificate, an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree. A certificate program might be appropriate if you already have other medical training. Generally, bachelor’s degrees are a good choice if you plan to advance into a supervisory position. Another critical decision is choosing a quality program that fits within your budget.
Online classes also are an option. Some of the courses that can be taken online include medical coding, anatomy and physiology, medical terminology and ethics. Online classes are a good option if you have a full-time job or have other commitments that might make it difficult to take all of your classes on campus. Some programs are almost entirely online, but make sure that they include ways to get the hands-on training you need.
Another option to consider is an EKG technician school that provides advanced training. With advanced training, you can learn how to perform other kinds of tests, such as stress tests or tests using Holter monitors. A stress test includes having a patient run on a treadmill while wearing an EKG heart monitor. A Holter monitor is a device worn by a patient for at least 24 hours to monitor the heart.
Generally, the more training you have, the higher the salary that you will be able to command. Job requirements can vary, so be sure to check with medical employers in your area to find out the level of education they require. Also try to talk with professional EGK technicians and ask them where they received their training and whether they can recommend an EKG technician school.