The best economics graduate school is one that offers the right degree, focuses in the student’s areas of interest, has the proper scheduling options, and has a sound reputation that leads to work opportunities. Best schools should also be affordable. Each of these requirements has some variation, and every student determines the best based on individual skills, background, and preferences. Clearly, the best economics graduate school won’t always be in popular top ten lists because each student comes to this process as an individual, and there are many programs that are attractive for reasons other than reputation.
The most important part of determining a best economics graduate school is deciding which programs will gladly accept the student. Higher ranked programs are more competitive and won’t accept every applicant. Figuring out the “best” from this perspective often entails discussions with current professors to get advice on the programs most likely to accept the student. Students can also match up program requirements of attractive schools with their skills. It undoubtedly helps to get letters of recommendations for schools from professors who are known at that school.
A student also has to select the best economics graduate school based on their desired degree. Some students want a doctorate, which isn’t offered in every program. Others are really looking for a master’s degree, and might have more choice in programs.
Programs have different focus areas, and this is important to some applicants when choosing the best economic graduate school. Possessing an interest in a specific area and having faculty that will support that interest is very attractive. Schools that possess a focus opposite to or outside of the student’s interests should be avoided. Scheduling is another area of concern; some students may find the best economic graduate school is one they can attend part-time, online, or in some other attendance format.
Clearly, any economics graduate school chosen should be accredited and it’s a good idea to find out how graduates succeed professionally. Schools should be able to provide this information, and not just about a few students but about many of them. It doesn’t help to attend a school that yields little chance of a career. Another issue is payment. Evaluating what options a program has for school payment and whether the price is worth it helps determine if it is best.
Two of the most helpful resources for assessing the best economics graduate school are the opinions of present professors and the opinions of students attending any graduate schools being considered. When first contemplating graduate school, trusted professors can help steer students in the right direction. Once accepted to school, especially if accepted to multiple programs, students should take time to visit each college and talk with some of the students. Departments will often arrange this if given advanced notice of a student’s visit. Getting current student opinions can help finalize choice.