To make the right decision in choosing the best dyslexia program, you need to ensure all your specific needs will be met. This means not only finding a program that will be beneficial in the learning process, but one that works in other aspects, such as finances. Deciding whether to choose a program that is in a separate location from the school you currently attend or one that is located elsewhere could be a crucial factor in terms of travel time and expense. Flexibility in scheduling is a major concern in many cases. Perhaps most important is determining the experience and skills of the instructors themselves.
Some public schools offer special classes to help with dyslexia treatment. This could be in the way of an extra-curricular activity or dyslexia program that is free of charge. In many cases, however, individualized attention is preferred, and this would generally involve choosing a dyslexia center. If you prefer this type of program, consider making an appointment with several centers or a dyslexia clinic to determine and compare costs and other factors.
If you plan on enrolling in a dyslexia program that specializes in learning disabilities, consider the curriculum and studies involved. This will help determine if the courses they teach will suit your needs. For example, if the student's weakness lies in vocabulary skills, a course designed to conquer figurative language issues might be beneficial. If reading is a major concern, look for a program that implements basic comprehension and structural learning.
Perhaps you are uncertain of the degree of dyslexia you have, in which case you will most likely want to be evaluated by a trained professional. In choosing the best dyslexia program for your individual needs, do some research to learn which centers and programs offer an in-depth assessments. This screening will provide a definitive answer and diagnosis, as well as pinpoint where your particular problems lie.
You might prefer to take an online dyslexia test before proceeding to locate a dyslexia program. Typically, this test takes anywhere from an hour or two to complete, and you should know the results instantaneously. This might be an option if you don't wish to invest in spending money before assessing your particular needs.
Another consideration in helping you choose the best dyslexia program is one that you can complete in the privacy and convenience of your own home. Many software programs are now available to provide assistance and training courses for dyslexia. They are typically taught in several steps, with lessons completed after each 'chapter' or session. This might be a preferred method if you want a program that is convenient and flexible.