To choose the best distance learning seminary, prospective students should ensure the program is accredited, consider the type of theology that is being taught, and find out if job training is offered. These courses of investigation will help narrow the field of available schools. Not all seminary degrees are recognized or accepted by employers, and choosing the right school from which to receive the degree can help a candidate to stand apart from the rest.
A seminary is a graduate level program of study that focuses on teaching the Christian Bible. Those who attend these types of schools are generally interested in entering into full time ministry, often as pastors, evangelists, and missionaries. Courses can include grammatical analysis of the Bible, historical surveys of the time periods in which the different books are set, and language seminars on ancient Hebrew and Greek.
Those who are interested in attending a distance learning seminary should first determine whether they will require an accredited degree. In the US, accreditation for a university guarantees that the school meets set criteria in regard to academic policies, faculty qualifications, and student assistance. Schools can apply for accreditation from a number of different academic institutions and must provide specific information on the courses taught and degrees held by the faculty employed there.
A degree received from an accredited university is often more highly regarded by employers. Not all colleges choose to participate in this type accreditation program, so it is important to make it a point to check. More jobs typically are available to an individual with a degree from an accredited distance learning seminary than from one without accreditation. Course credits are also more easily transferable between accredited universities.
Candidates should also investigate the type of theology taught by the schools in which they are interested. Seminary programs teach about religion exclusively, and not every school holds to the same theological and doctrinal ideas. Different theories regarding certain aspects of Christianity, the Bible's veracity, and other matters can circulate within one single denomination. Students should make sure that the distance learning seminary to which they are applying matches with their own personal belief system.
Students should also make sure the distance learning seminary that they are considering offers preparation for the specific job they wish to ultimately hold. A seminary degree is necessary for chaplain candidates, most pastoral positions, and some levels of Christian counseling. Not all seminary programs offer courses specific to the wide variety of jobs available to graduates. The best program available is one that offers job training and preparation to graduates as a part of the course studies.