Choosing the best distance learning master program involves several considerations. You may narrow your choices by considering programs that are accredited, offer majors that interest you, and include courses similar to those offered by traditional master's degree programs. You may also consider the format a program uses and the schedule to which you will have to adhere when making a decision. Additionally, you may check whether the program you are considering provides credit for life and work experience before you make a choice.
Accreditation may be your primary concern when you are trying to choose the best distance learning master program. When a distance program is accredited, it has voluntarily met educational standards set by an accrediting organization. In most cases, this means the program provides a minimum quality of education as evaluated by the accrediting organization. In many cases, accreditation also serves to lend credibility to a distance learning program and the credentials it grants. If you choose to pursue a master’s degree from a distance learning program that is not accredited, you may find that some employers and admissions officers at other schools may not view it as legitimate.
The majors a distance learning master program offers may also play a role in your decision-making process. While it may seem obvious to choose a distance learning master program that offers a major that interests you, you may do well to look a little deeper. To ensure that you will receive a thorough education in your major and graduate prepared to compete with others in your field, you may choose to compare the distance learning programs you are considering with traditional master's degree programs. You may be best served by choosing a distance learning program that offers the same types of courses and curriculum content as a traditional master's degree program in your major.
The format of a distance learning program may also influence your decision. Many distance learning master programs use the Internet for lectures, exams, and assignments. You may find some, however, that are textbook based and do not require you to log onto the Internet on a daily basis. You may also find differences in scheduling if you choose an online format. Some distance learning programs may require you to log on and attend lectures and discussions at specific times; others may give you the flexibility to view lectures and contribute to discussions at your convenience.
You may also consider the manner in which credits are granted when you want to select the best distance learning master program. Some programs may provide educational credits toward a master's degree for work or life experience. Others, however, may only provide credits for classes you successfully complete.