Distance learning graduate courses have become extremely popular in the wake of the Internet. An excellent option for those with full-time jobs or family responsibilities, distance learning graduate courses allow people to pursue advanced degrees through online courses and practical work and seminars in their local area. Choosing the best distance learning graduate courses will depend on a variety of personal factors, including the degree required, available schedule, and budget.
Not all distance learning schools offer the same degrees. For those simply looking for an advanced education, or those without a bachelor's degree, some distance learning courses culminate in a certificate of completion rather than an actual graduate degree. Those seeking a graduate degree, such as a master's or doctorate, will need to make sure that the distance learning graduate courses are offered by an accredited program that is permitted to hand out valid graduate degrees. Accreditation can affect financial aid availability, transfer credits, and job prospects, so it is important to determine whether a school under consideration meets these needs.
Another factor that can affect school choice is whether the distance learning graduate courses are independent or affiliated with an established university. Some major universities now offer distance learning courses to bring in students that would not normally be able to attend. A university affiliated program may allow a student access to university features, such as libraries, student discounts, and alumni services. Since distance learning programs are still relatively new and not always counted as equal with traditional forms of education, a university affiliated program may also lend the weight of its name and reputation to a graduate degree earned through distance learning.
Budget is often an important consideration when choosing between distance learning graduate courses. Accredited institutions may offer students access to federal or government financial aid programs, such as student loans. Independent courses may also be able to offer aid to limited students, while both types of programs may have grants or scholarships available. Private institutions, such as banks, may also sometimes be willing to grant educational loans for students attending a distance learning program.
Though many of the classes for a distance learning program are conducted online, some may require students to attend regular classes at a nearby college or affiliated university as well. Depending on the type of program, students may also be required to complete internships, research projects, and community service in their local area. Understanding the exact practical requirements of the program is important before agreeing to attend; those with severely limited schedules may need to find distance learning graduate courses that can be completed almost entirely online.