To find the right dialysis technician school for you, you'll need to take into account the quality of the school and what you will need as a student. The most important things to look for in a dialysis tech training program are the classroom experience, whether or not the school offers hands-on training, and whether or not the school has helped others get a job after graduation. You should also take into account the ability of the school to work around your schedule and whether or not the school can adequately prepare you to get a dialysis technician certification.
A good dialysis technician school will teach you how to perform all the duties of the job. Renal dialysis technicians operate hemodialysis machines and monitor patients through the dialysis process. Dialysis technicians also work closely with registered nurses to assist in other areas of patient treatment. To perform all job duties, you will need to learn how to draw blood, insert needles, and operate dialysis machines. A good dialysis technician training program will teach you how to perform all of these job duties as well as provide you with valuable medical information about the renal system.
When researching dialysis technician schools, it also is important to find those that have classroom instruction as well as hands-on training in a lab. Classroom instruction usually involves medical terminology, basic nursing skills and specific medical information about the kidneys and blood. Lab training typically is provided to familiarize you with the various types of dialysis machines, hemodialysis procedures and patient care. The best schools will adequately prepare you to take exams to be certified as a hemodialysis technician. Many schools also offer time in an actual dialysis clinic so students can see classroom principles in action and become familiar with their future work environments.
You may also do well to find a dialysis technician school that will prepare you to take your certification exams and help you find a job once you graduate. When looking for the right school, make sure it has a proven track record of graduates working as medical technicians. When researching schools, check for accreditation — most accredited schools will have the proper certification programs and a job placement office.
In addition to work placement, many schools offer flexible hours or online classes to help you learn even if you are currently working or have other obligations. Some schools may also offer accelerated programs that can take as little as six weeks to complete. Choosing a dialysis technician school that offers a program that fits your schedule can help ensure you achieve your education goal.