For most people, choosing the best diagnostic sonography schools is simply a matter of finding reputable schools that have accreditation. Some individuals will need to take certain required sciences courses before entering a training program. Diagnostic sonography schools can be small school departments within colleges or small independent schools. Because diagnostic sonography programs require hands-on training, only part of the training can be taken online.
It is best to choose diagnostic sonography schools associated with a local hospital or nursing school. This gives you more opportunities to network with other students, secure training on other facets of the work and more easily find a job after graduation. In reviewing diagnostic sonography schools, look at your long-term goals and which types of sonography training can help you reach your ultimate goal. Medical sonography can lead to many other careers, so it is best to choose a school that can help you find the quickest path to your ultimate career destination.
Students may choose medical sonography or animal sonography. They can become an ultrasound technician or pediatric sonographer. Specializations can also fall within vascular medicine, abdominal sonography, ophthalmology or obstetrical gynecology. Social forums are an excellent way to investigate diagnostic sonography schools and find out how other students rate their education and the cost of classes. These forums also give you a chance to ask others about their experiences in the field, to help you decide the area in which you wish to specialize.
Be sure the school you choose has many different types of sonography equipment to help you hone your skills. The wider the variety of scanning equipment you learn to use, the wider the selection of jobs will be for you after graduation. Be sure the class size is reasonable so that you will get a chance to use the diverse types of equipment. You will need to learn to use many types of ultrasound equipment, including Doppler and 3-D/4-D ultrasound machines.
Diagnostic sonography schools usually require a high school degree with a basis in biology or other sciences. Required background courses may include physiology, anatomy, medical terminology, medical ethics or other scientific and mathematical subjects. Some programs will ask for an interview or personal essay to evaluate your motivation and likelihood to graduate from the course. To graduate, most programs will also require you to perform three to six months of unpaid clinical training in a professional ultrasound facility.