There are four items to consider when choosing the best diagnostic medical sonography schools: hands-on training, equipment, admissions requirements, and faculty. Diagnostic medical sonography schools can be part of a larger college, or an independent school. The best diagnostic medical sonography schools are affiliated with the local hospitals and nursing schools, providing opportunities for cross training, networking, and job placement programs.
Selecting the best school should be based on your own goals, achievements, and skill levels. Select a school where you will be both challenged and successful. Look at the specialized programs offered by the different schools, and select one that appeals to you.
The best diagnostic medical sonography schools have a wide range of equipment available for student use. This includes full and half size mannequins, the latest sonography equipment, access to older scanning units, and opportunities to practice in mock procedures. Check the average class size to ensure you will have ample opportunity to use this equipment.
In order to qualify for admission to diagnostic medical sonography school, you must have high school courses in biology, English, and at least one other science course. Attention to detail, mental focus, and a high degree of visual acuity is required to be successful in this role. Many programs require a personal interview or essay, to help evaluate your level of motivation to become a diagnostic sonographer.
If you are looking at the best diagnostic medical sonography schools in the country or state, take note that the admissions standard is higher to reflect the increased demand. These schools often require students to have a combination of high marks and letters of recommendation from former teachers or employers. It is important to note that being in the lowest quarter of your class at the best school does not help your career. Apply to the school most likely to help you meet your goals.
Most diagnostic medical sonography schools provide the biographies of their faculty or instructors on their website. The information listed typically includes the academic credentials, work experience, special training, and any awards they may have received. Investing this time will help you establish a professional relationship with your professors, and may result in additional learning opportunities.
People who report the greatest satisfaction with diagnostic medical sonography school are interested in the health sciences and enjoy solving puzzles. The sonographer often works closely with the medical team to create the images required for the diagnosis, or provides insight and information about other issues that may be related to the patient's primary condition.