There are four items to consider when looking for the best dental hygienist course: accreditation, faculty, cost, and program length. A dental hygienist is a member of the dental health team and is a licensed professional who specializes in preventive care. Most dental hygienists work for a dentist, but are increasingly able to provide their services independently. A dental hygienist course provides the training necessary to become a licensed professional. A complete dental hygienist program takes between one and two years to complete and is available from a broad range of community and career colleges.
The first step required to become a dental hygienist is to find an accredited school that offers dental hygienist courses. An accredited school has been evaluated by an independent third party to determine if the programs meet the minimum requirements. During the accreditation process, the institute evaluates the academic and administrative policies and course offerings. Only courses offered by an accredited school can be transferred to other programs. In addition, accredited schools are able to offer government student aid programs.
When selecting the best dental hygienist course, it is important to review the academic credentials and experience of the course instructors. Most schools post a short biography of their instructors on the school website. Instructors should have relevant industry experience and be trained in the latest technology. They should also be familiar with government regulations and legal requirements.
Compare the total cost of the dental hygienist program from at least three different schools. If one school costs significantly more than the others do, compare the courses in detail. Some programs may offer the very latest in technology, longer job placement opportunities, or specialized programs. Evaluate the additional courses to determine if the benefit is worth the cost.
Although the average dental hygienist course is two years in length, some schools offer additional courses. Some possible courses include dental scaling for children, seniors, and identification of oral cancer. It is important to review the length of the program and make sure that all areas of training are covered in detail.
Many schools also offer job placement or work terms. These opportunities allow students to gain valuable experience in a clinical practice. Students who have a successful work term may be offered full-time employment upon graduation. The best dental hygienist course ensures that students are able to complete their tasks with confidence and contribute to the health of patients immediately.