Choosing the best deferral method depends a great deal upon the type of deferment you need and the laws in your area. If you wish to defer payments on a loan, for example, then the terms and conditions of your loan typically indicate the ways in which you can put off repayment. There are also deferments that can be had for payment of taxes, depending on what kind of tax you may need to pay and the country in which you live. You may be able to choose a deferral method on income tax such as a retirement account or delay payment of a capital gains tax.
A deferral method is often very situational, and there are a number of factors to consider before choosing one. If you want to defer on a loan, then consider different benefits that may arise from choosing any particular method. While this type of agreement will put off your payments, the loan may continue to accrue interest that you need to pay afterward. Consider any deferral method that does not continue to build interest, or that allows you to continue making payments at a lower rate, such as a consolidation.
You can also choose a deferral method on taxes that you owe, which allows you to pay the taxes at a later date. If you want to delay the time period in which you need to pay income tax, for example, you can use certain types of retirement accounts to do so. These accounts are often created using income that is deposited into them by your employer before taxes are taken on that money. Using this deferral method, you can make money off of the investment in such an account, and only pay on the income once you eventually collect on the retirement fund.
There are also a number of ways in which you can put off payment of capital gains tax, such as taxes you may need to pay for the sale of property. If you sell property and wish to investment that money into a new piece of land, then you can often use an exchange method by which you purchase the new property without paying taxes on the sale of the first. Such a deferral method allows you to avoid paying taxes on gains that you are immediately reinvesting, rather than using as revenue or profit. The terms and conditions by which you can use such deferments varies in different countries, however, so ensure any method you choose is legal in your area.