To choose the best deaf and blind school, you should consider the student’s age and abilities as well as where each choice is located. Not all students will do well in every school, and it is important to interview faculty and staff to ensure that the student likes his or her teachers and that he or she can find their way around. There are public schools which offer a deaf-blind school program as well as specialized schools designed specifically for these students.
The age of each student will have an impact on the best deaf-blind school. Younger children may require more one on one attention while they learn basics such as speaking in sign language or reading with Braille. Once these things are mastered, they may want to be in a school which allows them to feel as included as possible. This generally includes classes with other children, physical activities, and even school functions like dances and formals.
To determine the best deaf-blind school for your situation, you should begin by determining the student’s desires and needs. If there are other health conditions present, teachers with training in dealing with medical situations may be required. Speak with school faculty and get an idea what the structure and class schedule is like. Ask how students spend their days, and take a walk around campus to get a feel for the atmosphere. You may also wish to meet and greet with teachers and other students.
Older students may be able to transition from a deaf-blind school to a public school with students who do not have physical challenges. This will depend on the academic level and learning needs of each student. Others may have to remain in a specialized school for most of their academic careers. To determine where your child would be best served, speak with is or her teacher or counselor to discuss options.
You may also have to consider financial costs when choosing the right deaf-blind school. Some many charge tuition to attend, so you will need to determine how much can be fit into your budget. There may be scholarship programs available. If you can’t afford a special school, many school districts will allow you to take your child to a public school outside your district so that your child can receive the best education possible. Speak with the district board of trustees or another official to find out what your options are.
If you are looking for a school for your child, be sure to ask him which option he finds most appealing. Bring your child along for all meetings, when able, and allow the teachers to get to know him and vice versa. Encourage him to ask questions and listen to his opinions when discussing the teachers and atmosphere he likes best.
Adult students may not require the same level of attention as younger children because they generally have learned how to better cope with their condition. This may be untrue of those who became deaf or blind later in life, and they may benefit from an adult program which teaches coping techniques such as sign language, Braille reading, using service dogs, and other coping techniques. These can be combined with other curriculum, such as with newly blind or deaf adults who are attending college or career training. Many career training courses are offered through specialized schools, and some universities and technical colleges have programs specifically tailored to those with certain disabilities.