Many professionals seek a good continuing education provider to fulfill job requirements, while others look for continuing education classes that will teach them a new skill or allow them to work toward a career change. Choosing the best continuing education provider does not have to be a difficult process; simply look for convenient options that will work with your schedule; accredited institutions that offer high quality education; and schools that offer affordable classes through a variety of delivery methods, from on-site classwork to distance learning options that will work around your normal schedule.
It is best to eliminate non-accredited institutions from your list of choices for a continuing education provider, since these institutions cannot guarantee the quality of the education they provide. Employers are less likely to recognize these institutions as valid and rigorous offerings, so steer clear if possible. If you plan on looking for financial aid to help finance your education, choosing an accredited institution will increase the likelihood that you will be eligible for loans and grants.
If you work during the day or find it hard to get out of the house, you may want to consider a continuing education provider that offers online distance learning courses. Such courses can be taken from any location with a computer, and many of these classes are asynchronous, which means you can work on them at your own pace rather than meeting at a specific time with a professor and classmates. This option works well for people with complex daily schedules, though it may not be the best option for learners who need one-on-one attention or extra guidance through coursework. Not all continuing education courses will be offered as distance learning classes either, so be sure to check before enrolling.
The best continuing education provider will have plenty of support staff on hand to help you through every step of your education. Financial aid staff should be able to help you find money to finance your education; career counselors can help you decide which courses are best for you and what you can do with your education once you have completed the coursework; advisors will help you choose the best curriculum; and writing centers within the school will be able to help you with writing assignments or simply provide a proofreading service before handing in essays or research papers. Choose a provider that includes support staff appropriate to the classwork in which you will be participating.