Choosing the best computer tech school has as much to do with the student as it does the school itself. Things to considering when researching a school are location, tuition costs, program offerings and educational reputation. Matching your needs with the school that suites them is an important part of the selection process.
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer technicians with the best job prospects are those who have completed formal training and earned industry recognized certifications. It is important that computer technicians take the time to choose the best computer tech school when looking for additional training.
If you are open to relocating and have the money to do so, your computer tech school choices are significantly greater than if you have to stick close to your current home. On the other hand, computer training is a widely-known field, and there are usually several opportunities for training in and around most communities.
Computer tech schools are sometimes freestanding institutions, or they may be a part of a community college, vocational school, or standard university. Some computer tech programs are also available as online and distance learning programs. Look around at various IT school websites and contact those that interest you. Be sure to find out about the cost of tuition and fees, and, if scheduling is an issue for you, ask about part-time schedules and night classes. If you are currently working in the field of computer technology, ask your employer about tuition reimbursement plans. Your supervisor or co-workers may also be a good source of information about the schools that you are considering.
While some computer schools are focused on short-term vocational training and preparing students for gaining certifications, others offer a more comprehensive education. If you plan to attend a computer tech school to earn a degree, or hope to transfer credits from the school to a university program, you should make sure that the school is accredited by an agency recognized by your country's government. An accredited degree can be a huge asset if you plan to go on for further study.
When investigating a computer tech school, contact both consumer protection and government educational agencies to learn more about the school's reputation and business practices. It is particularly important to visit a school, if at all possible, and talk to current students and faculty. Remember that enrollment counselors are primarily in the business of selling the school, so it is a good idea to speak to actual faculty members to find out if you, and the school, are a good match.