There are four items to consider when looking for the best bookkeeping school: accreditation, faculty, specialized programs, and graduate employment statistics. Bookkeeping college provides training in accounting, computerized accounting systems, payroll, and technology. Upon graduation, bookkeeping students can look for employment opportunities with small to medium size businesses, accounting services firms or open up their own bookkeeping business.
In order to qualify for admission to bookkeeping school, students need to have high school credits in accounting, English, technology, business, math, and computers. Many programs require applicants to complete a standardized test to determine their comfort with numbers, typing speed, and accuracy. This type of program is typically one to two years in length and available both online and through traditional community or career colleges.
When looking for a bookkeeping course, the first item to check is the accreditation status. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. The academic and administrative policies are inspected and compared with a minimum standard. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions and are accepted by certifying and licensing boards. In addition, accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
Review the qualifications of the faculty or course instructors. They should be skilled, experienced professionals in their fields. Take the time to investigate the academic credentials of the instructors before selecting the best bookkeeping school. The admissions counselor should be able to provide details on the background and teaching experiences of the instructors in the school. Make sure you receive the background of the actual instructors, and not just the dean of department head, as these roles are mostly administrative.
Look for specialized programs, with classes in advanced accounting, inventory management, retail operations, and the hospitality industry. These additional courses may increase the overall tuition fee, but will provide the training necessary to obtain positions in these industries. Look carefully at the specialized programs or advanced classes available when selecting a bookkeeping school.
Every post-secondary educational institution tracks graduate employment statistics at three, six and 12 months after graduation. The information collected includes the position title, starting salary, full time or part time, contract or permanent and if the position is in the field of study. This information is invaluable when selecting a bookkeeping school, as it provides clear evidence of what type of employment opportunities are available to you and the starting salary you can hope for upon graduation.
People who report the highest satisfaction with bookkeeping school often have one or two years experience working in an office. They may have had some experience with accounting functions, perhaps working as a clerk in a large business. Through this experience, they have a clear idea of the type of work a bookkeeper does and what skills they need to obtain to be successful in this role.