Choosing the best bedroom wallpaper is largely a matter of personal preference, but there are some design considerations that can help improve the overall appearance of the room. Using wallpaper that fits the size of the room, the climate, and the furnishings can help make a bedroom appear finished and attractive. Even so, it may be better to choose the bedroom wallpaper that you love best, regardless if it promotes an attractive interior design to others. A bedroom is a personal space, so it is the best place to forgo professional design tips and do what feels best.
Using bedroom wallpaper in cool colors can make a room feel restful or peaceful. Warm colors, on the other hand, can make a room feel physically warm and may make a person feel hungry. Many people believe that cool colors are best for bedrooms because their primary use is for sleep. On the other hand, a bedroom is often also a place to study, play, or engage in hobbies, particularly for children. Thinking about the uses of the bedroom and how it will make the person who uses it feel can help in making good color choices for bedroom wallpaper.
Wallpaper is often used to create a pattern on the walls. Each person has a personal preference for bedroom wallpaper patterns, which may be floral, striped, themed, or even photographic. An important thing to remember is that a large pattern in a small bedroom can be overwhelming, whereas the same pattern may add interest to a large room. A small pattern, on the other hand, can add subtle effects to a room, which may be especially pleasant for familiar spaces.
It is also important to use a pattern or design that will have longevity. Choosing wallpaper with recognizable characters may seem like a good idea for a child's room, but he or she may grow out of the design. Likewise, using custom photographic mural wallpaper on a wall might be meaningful for the bedroom's owner in the short term, but it may grow old quickly because interests change. For children, it may be better to use a basic color or design and removable decals to reflect the child's current interests. Decorating bedroom walls in drastic ways for older users can be accomplished with more sophisticated decals or even poster prints of desirable images.
The final consideration when choosing bedroom wallpaper is how it will be put on the wall. Choosing self-sticking wallpaper can make application much easier. Badly applied wallpaper will make any bedroom look unprofessional and unappealing, so it is important to read the directions beforehand. If putting up wallpaper is too difficult, it may be necessary to hire a professional to achieve an attractive look.