No certification or formal education is necessary to become a bartender, so it is possible to simply work in a bar and learn the skills necessary to become a bartender. If, however, you want to be better prepared when applying for a job, or wish to apply for a more competitive position at an exclusive bar or club, it is a wise decision to take bartending courses that will give you the skills necessary to be a success from day one. Choosing bartending courses starts with researching what is available to you in your area. Community colleges are a good place to start, though some online bartending schools are available as well.
If a community college exists in your area, check the course schedule to find out if bartending courses exist. If they do, be sure the course is both affordable and taught by an experienced bartender who can convey the information effectively. In most cases, the bartending courses will not be held in an actual bar, and it is unlikely that you will be pouring drinks with real alcohol in them; this is fine, as long as the classroom is equipped with all the necessary items to practice pouring drinks. Hands-on practice is extremely important, so if possible, check the course syllabus to make sure most of it allows you to practice with real bottles of liquid.
Online bartending courses are great options for people who do not have a community college at their disposal, or if classes are not offered in their area. Remember, however, that you will be responsible for obtaining the necessary equipment to practice making drinks. You do not necessarily need to buy bottles of alcohol, but you will need to find empty bottles that you can fill with water, as well as pour tops and other accessories commonly used by bartenders.
The best bartending courses will include materials that will allow you to study and practice after the class ends. Drink mixing guides are exceptionally useful, so be sure to check the course description and take note if any such materials are included with the course fees. If a bartending license or certification exists in your area, make sure you will be certified once the class is over; while not necessary for most bartending jobs, having such a certificate will make you a more attractive candidate for a potential job.