Choosing the best automotive technician school depends on whether you want to receive specialized training and how quickly you want to earn your degree. You also will want a school that provides up-to-date facilities and equipment for students in its automotive technician program. Today’s auto technician careers require strong computer skills as well as mechanical skills, so plenty of hands-on experience is important.
Some automotive technician schools offer an education that is general in scope, preparing students to diagnose and repair car electrical systems, automatic steering and suspension, brakes, engines, transmissions and heating and air conditioning systems, for example. Training also might include rebuilding engines and evaluating engine performance. These programs typically allow students to work in labs with computerized devices that are used for diagnostics.
General training from an automotive technician school will prepare you for entry-level work as a mechanic or technician. It also is appropriate training for becoming a sales representative or manager for an automotive parts store or department. A fleet mechanic is another career option when you have completed training at an automotive technician school.
Some schools also specialize in certain areas, such as advanced diagnostics, detailing and auto body repair or how to repair motorcycles, trucks or small engines. Other possibilities include working with car dealerships or organizations that cater to professional race cars. Be sure to investigate the financial stability of a certain manufacturer or the availability of jobs in repairing and maintaining race cars.
A dealership program often requires students to become certified in how to repair and maintain particular brands of cars. Working with a dealership can be one of the better-paying jobs. Some dealership programs also offer paid student tuition under certain terms.
Generally, students who attend accredited programs are eligible to apply for various forms of financial aid. It is wise to seek out programs that are accredited or recommended by professional associations. These programs must meet certain industry and educational standards. That helps ensure that you will find an automotive technician school of the highest quality.
You might be able to find an automotive technician school that is willing to pay for your education. Some schools do this to recruit students into their program. One way this is done is by recruiting high school students who excel in automotive technician courses. These students sometimes enter competitions that spotlight their skills.
Depending on your prior training or experience, it can take about one year or longer to complete your degree or certificate program at an automotive technician school. Programs usually take about 30 to 60 weeks to complete. Some schools offer programs both via the Internet and on a campus.