Auto mechanic schools provide the training required to become a licensed auto mechanic. The ideal student for this type of school can be divided into two groups: recent high school graduates who want to become auto mechanics, and people who graduated from high school five to seven years prior and have determined this is the career they would like to pursue. The more mature student has typically gained work experience in a auto garage or other mechanical environment, and now has the confidence to complete formal training. The ability of the school to meet the needs of these two communities is important, as is the class size, availability of job placements, and the qualification of the instructors.
The class size in the different auto mechanic schools are an important consideration for the practical classes. In these classes, students are assigned equipment, a workbench, and a machine or engine to work on. The smaller the class, the lower the chance of having to share equipment or tools with another student. In addition, more instructor time is available to answer questions, provide correction, guidance, and to review the quality of work completed. Many students who have returned to formal school after being in the workforce find that smaller classes are easier to manage.
Job placements are a standard offering from most auto mechanic schools. As a skilled trade, all graduates are expected to have completed a minimum amount of time in the workplace. These opportunities reinforces classroom learning, while providing local employers with low cost labor that they can help to train. Many employers use the job placement term to evaluate the student's skill, willingness to learn, and work ethic. Upon completion, the candidate may be offered a full-time opportunity in the same firm where he or she completed the work term.
Instructor qualifications are very important when looking for the best auto mechanic schools. Formal, academic training is an important part of becoming a course instructor, but real world experience is more valuable. The ability to relate the class material to workplace examples encourages learning, provides assurances that the material is relevant, and helps to prepare the students for the world of work.
There are a wide range of websites that allow students to rate their school, instructor, or program. Although the ratings should be taken with a grain of salt, teachers that receive top ratings consistently are usually those with a extensive experience in the industry. Look at the promotional material provided by the school to get more information about the instructors area of expertise.