There are four items to consider when choosing the best audiology schools: educational institution type, accreditation, faculty, and reputation or ranking. There are two options available when looking for the best audiology schools: college or university. The major difference between the two schools is that a university degree is required to become an audiologist and colleges provide the training necessary to become an audiology technologist.
The audiology schools organized through a college offer two- and three-year programs to people who want to become technologists. The courses are very task-oriented, providing the training, and skills required to secure employment assisting the audiologist. The role of an audiology technologist is to maintain patient records, assist with hearing tests, and manage the office. People who find personal satisfaction in helping others and working with a wide range of people may enjoy being an audiology technologist.
The program offered at the university level is five to eight years in length and is necessary to become an audiologist. The audiologist is responsible for conducting hearing tests, interpreting results, prescribing corrective action to help the patient either maintain or regain hearing. This role is expected to experience above-average growth in the next five to ten years, as the population ages.
Regardless of the level of schooling that you choose to complete, it is important to ensure that the school has the best technology and equipment available. Audiologists and technologists conduct hearing tests using specialized equipment. Practice and simulation models help students learn and hone their skills in a low risk environment. Look for full-scale models of the ear for practice, as well as software programs that simulate the different types of hearing problems.
When looking for an audiology school, check the accreditation status with care. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions, which is very important, as almost 20 percent of students transfer schools. Only accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
Review the qualifications of the faculty or course instructors. Most schools post biographies of their course instructors on their websites. Review this information and look for both academic credentials and working experience. The reputation of the school is very important when choosing the best audiology schools. Ask the admissions counselor for permission to participate in alumni events. Use this opportunity to learn more about the graduates’ experiences and their thoughts on the quality of education received from the school.