Sometimes the very best architecture school is not the best architecture school for you. You should start researching the different schooling options available, but before you even consider a school, you should first decide what your career goals will be once you finish architecture school. Several areas of architecture exist, and some schools may focus on one type of architecture over another. Be sure to figure out what kind of architecture you are interested in, and then research the schools that offer programs focusing in that area. Be sure to consider accreditation, tuition costs, and scheduling when choosing a school as well.
Research the architecture school programs you are considering and be sure to take note of the professors and instructors with whom you will be working during your matriculation. Find out what their qualifications are and what areas of architecture they specialize in; the best instructors are the ones who you will be excited to work with. If possible, try to speak with other students who have gone through the program with those professors, and ask them their impressions of the coursework overall as well as their experiences with particular instructors.
Choosing an accredited architecture school is immensely important. Accreditation ensures that the educational institution has gone through the accreditation process, thereby showing potential students that the institution is offering a high quality education that will look great on a resumé. Potential employers look for candidates that have attended accredited institutions, and they may not even consider students who attended non-accredited institutions.
Price is also a major consideration when choosing an architecture school. Education in general is expensive, and architecture coursework is no different. Decide what your budget will be for your education and research schools that fall into that price range. If the school you have chosen is out of your price range, it is time to research scholarship opportunities as well as financial aid options. An expensive school does not need to be eliminated from possibility altogether, but it may make the process of applying and attending a bit more difficult.
Be sure to choose a reputable school that is respected in your area, and one that can set up an internship for you at some point during your attendance. An internship is important for giving you hands-on experience in the field as well as for developing contacts in the architecture profession. The school you choose should have services available to place you in such an internship or guide you toward one, and the school should have a good working relationship with architects in the area or throughout the country.