There are four items to consider when choosing the best architect program: admissions requirements, accreditation, faculty, and research opportunities. Architect programs are part of the faculty of architecture in a large university. An architect is a professional specially trained to create drawings and structural building plans. These plans are used by construction companies and other professionals to build the structure.
In order to qualify for admission to an architect program, you must have graduated high school with courses in algebra, English, and technology. Although physics is not a required course, a strong understanding of the primary rules of physics is very useful when designing new building and structures. Architecture is considered a professional program, as graduates are able to become licensed professionals shortly after graduation.
If you are looking at the best architect program in the country or state, think about what is best for you. For example, a student with family responsibilities may find that a program with online course options is the best program. Another student may decide that a part-time program with courses in the evenings and weekends works best. Think about your daily life, what will fit and find the program that works for you.
When looking for an architect program always check the accreditation status of the school. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions. This is very important, as many people complete their degree in a different school than the first year of their program, the ability to transfer these credits to another school is critical.
Most architect programs provide the biographies of their faculty or instructors on their website. The information listed typically includes the academic credentials, work experience, special training, and any awards they have received. Courses offered at this level should be taught by instructions who are experts in their respective fields. Review the research focus of the faculty to determine if any of their research is of interest to you.
When choosing the best architect program, look at the types of research and designs that are being produced by the school. Attend a graduate program show to see examples of the work and designs. Take the time to talk with the students about the availability of research projects at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Research into green architecture, renewable materials, and new ways to reduce energy requirements has led to huge changes in the industry. Find out if the program you are interested in has visionaries and other leaders in architecture, so that you might make a contribution.