In order to choose the best animation schools, do some research on different schools. This type of education is often expensive so it makes sense to do some homework and find the right school. If you haven't already done so, determine the area of animation that is most interesting to you. Based on your research, get specific details from the different schools that interest you, and determine if the degree programs offered match your interests. Once you have made a short list of animation schools, you may also want to find out if the professors have hands-on experience in the field of animation.
The field of animation involves many different areas of expertise, so be sure you decide on the specific area of animation in which you would like to work before deciding on a school. Perhaps you have an interest in animated feature films or animated video games. If you want to make animated features, you will likely study cinematology, which helps to teach animators how to create each frame for maximum impact on the audience. If you're interested in creating animation for video games, you may need a different set of skills that include computer animation, programming, and video graphics along with other animation skills. Focus on getting the best possible training in your particular area of animation and less on electives or other non-animation training courses.
Not all schools will offer the same courses so once you have decided on the area of animation in which you would like to work, get all the details about the various courses and degrees offered. Basic courses offered at most animation schools will likely include basic drawing, laws of motion, and audio and video technology. Some schools may also provide courses to help you handle various challenges in the workplace like problem solving, critical thinking, and communications. Beyond these basic courses, most of the better schools will offer very specific courses in specialized areas of animation. For example, schools may offer courses that focus on web animation, 2D animation, 3D animation, flash animation, or even animation used in desktop publishing software.
Getting started in the field of animation is very competitive, so a good education from a top-rated school can provide an edge when looking for that first job. Teachers who have worked for one of the major animation studios might provide an advantage, so look for schools that have instructors with experience in the field. A few of the top-rated animation schools take great pride in their programs and in the graduates they produce, so they may be a bit more selective when it comes to enrolling students. Look for reputable schools that will help you produce a demo reel of your work before you graduate. When considering animation schools, ask for a list of graduates who are already working in the animation industry, and contact several of them to get a better idea of what that specific school is like.