There are a lot of decisions that should be made prior to selecting an agricultural program. Agricultural programs have grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years. While only one type of degree in agriculture used to exist, today there are numerous degrees that can be obtained. Thus, the first step towards selecting an agricultural program is to decide upon the kind of student that you want to be.
Prospective students can choose from a degree program, a certificate, or a diploma. In addition, full-time or part-time agricultural programs are available. Other things to consider before delving deep into specific programs include whether or not you want a hands-on experience, and what you expect from your learning environment. Once these things have been considered, you can then move on to dissecting specific agricultural programs.
To begin, visit the websites of all the schools that you are considering. Take a close look at the agricultural programs offered, tuition fees, requirements, student demographics, and other crucial details. A great deal of this information can be found on the "Questions and Answers" portion of a school's website. If a few schools seem to have all the of the things that you are looking for, then it might be time to visit each school.
Scheduling an admission meeting with each school that you are considering is a great way to experience the school as a whole. Ask to be taken on a guided tour, attend a class or two, and speak with some current students. This type of information is invaluable, since a simple website cannot provide you with the first-hand experience that an actual visit can.
It is also wise to speak with an admissions counselor or an academic counselor once you have toured a school's campus. Take a list of questions that you might have with you, and don't be afraid to ask about anything that you don't understand. Often, this is the best way to gain all of the information that you have been seeking. Following a school visit, try and gather any additional information that you can.
Speak with former students of a school, look for school rating online, and look for facts and figures about a school. Gathering as much information as possible is the best way to ensure that you are selecting only the best agricultural programs available. Keep in mind that the right school can help you to secure a dream position within the agricultural field, while the wrong school may lead you down a difficult path.