To choose the best aesthetician school, ask spa directors for reputable schools, prioritize local schools over far away ones, and if necessary, inquire about the schools' financial aid options. Spa directors and people in similar positions can give you an idea of the schools they think highly of and frequently hire from. This knowledge can give graduating students a kick-start to their career as a skin care specialist by attending the one of the most renowned schools. Choosing a local school ensures that you receive enough training to become licensed in the area. In addition, financial aid options are especially important for people that cannot pay upfront and need grants or loans to help out.
Drop by local spas and ask the director what schools he or she prefers hiring from and why. Ask the same question to more than one director and consider attending an aesthetician school that repeatedly makes the list. This is one way to better ensure a job after graduation because the directors' first choices are unlikely to change within a few years. In addition, when answering why those schools are the best, the director might outright say what qualities he or she looks for in new hires. For example, if the director chooses an aesthetician school that excels in teaching students the importance of being sanitary, you learn that cleanliness is especially important to that spa.
The licensing requirements of a skin care specialist varies depending on the jurisdiction. It is generally recommended to attend an aesthetician school in the jurisdiction where you plan to work in order to avoid additional time and tuition spent on more courses. Aesthetician schools generally meet the local requirements of becoming a skin care specialist, and moving to a new jurisdiction can lead to new aestheticians being over-qualified or so under-qualified that they need more schooling. The best aesthetician school for you meets the necessary requirements or, if you want to stand out from other new aesthetician graduates, goes beyond the requirements.
Once you have narrowed down the schools by location and reputation, consider the affordability of the remaining schools. Many aesthetician schools can help students acquire scholarships, grants, and loans to pay for their education. The cost of a particular school varies depending on the cost of living and what courses you are looking to take. For example, refresher courses are typically much less expensive than a course meant for a complete novice to aesthetics. A payment plan is usually available, but sometimes an aesthetician school will require payment in full before the start of the course.