When choosing an academy of healing arts, investigate the school to determine whether it offers instruction in the healing modality or modalities that interest you. You should also find out whether the school's programs adequately prepare you for licensure in a particular healing art. Inquire about its approvals and accreditation as well as the credentials of its staff. Finally, make sure that the school is affordable and that you have a reasonable chance of being able to complete the qualifications necessary for a diploma or degree given its scheduled course offerings.
If you plan on a career in alternative medicine or holistic therapies, an academy of healing arts may be your best educational option. It is important, however, that you ensure that the school offers a quality education. Check to make sure that the school is approved to operate by the government entity in your jurisdiction that licenses or approves schools. You should also find out if the school is accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. If you plan to attend an academy of healing arts so that you can become licensed in a healing modality, such as massage therapy or acupuncture, find out whether the school is approved by the pertinent licensing board for that profession.
Find out about the school's faculty and their credentials. Instructors should have legitimate credentialing, certification, and licensing in the fields that they teach. You may want to ask whether the school has any licensed physicians on staff or on its advisory board, which can be a sign that the school is willing to work with practitioners of conventional medicine. You should also find out if the school is affiliated with or approved by any holistic health professional associations or trade groups. Also try and discern a school's focus. If you want to learn herbalism but it seems like much of the school's resources go toward its bodywork programs, it may not be the best school for you.
Finally, consider practical matters when choosing an academy of healing arts. Find out about a school's tuition and fees and whether it participates in government financial aid programs. At some schools that specialize in healing modalities, you may be expected to purchase equipment that is not included in your tuition, including student uniforms or a massage table. You should also find out whether the school has a job placement program that can help you secure employment after you graduate.